Anywho, I wanted to take some photographs and as its all snowy (I know, you're probably sick of people talking about snow...) I thought I'd venture into my garden. Its funny, I don't really do winter clothes- I don't think many people do. At the end of every summer I say "ooh I better buy some winter clothes" knowing full well that I'll probably end up purchasing shorter things than I would've in summer but I think as long as you've got a lovely big coat (or a collection of lovely big coats) to throw over the top as well a plenty of what I call "christmas jumpers" it doesn't really matter what you long as you don't moan of being cold- you wear the short dress in -2 deal with the freezy draft.
I really do love winter. And I do love the snow, I like the way it dampens all sounds so that when you wake up or walk in a wood everything is silent. When it snows I look about four times more ginger and I become rubbish at hide and seek...
I also love how everyone interacts at this time of year. People are genuinely happy, or a the very least content, and people take a little bit of extra time to be pleasant and kind with one another. Little people are also very, very happy and I love to see their excitment. Also you get to drink, lots and lots of drink and merryness...
A little extra peace and love,
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